Reflections of Faith
Read and be inspired by a reflection based on today's Gospel made by members of the Verbum Dei Family in Manila.
Daily Guidelines: August 3, 2021August 3, 2021 Tuesday
Gospel : Matthew 14:22-36 “As many as touched it were healed” “Lord save us!” Another virus variant? Cases of C19 increasing! Typhoon interrupted the vaccinations sites and blocked some swab testing centers . Another lockdown forthcoming ? A morning shake from earthquake! The “stormy weather” is not stopping at all! Yet Jesus said , “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.” How are you in your present struggles? If we let our eyes drift from Jesus , fear takes over. Be comforted for God is with us. When we come to him and hang on with his word, we will surely overcome. Let us pray that God increases our faith ! God we believe that this too shall pass. Amen! #PrayVD |
August 2021
CategoriesAll Daily Guidelines Reflections On The Word Of God School Of The Word Thoughts From A Disciple |