Read the news from events, activities and other updates on the different communities here in the Philippines
Hidden Light in DarknessVerbum Dei Missionaries Manila-Pasig held a half day online retreat on August 21, 2020 entitled "Hidden Light in Darkness". The retreat centered on discussing how we, in our current situations, are able to find the hidden light, despite the seeming endless struggles we are faced with. It also discussed ways and means how we can be a light to others, despite carrying our own burdens. The talks were given by Sr. Prisci and Sr. Pearl and were attended by Verbum Dei disciples/friends from different parts of the Philippines as well as from the United States. This online retreat is one of many retreats given by the Verbum Dei Missionaries to help us in our spiritual needs during these most challenging times. With thanks to Marissa Luna and the WordNews team
Multiplication of bread“They all ate and were satisfied”Loaves of bread good for 250 families were given to us today (Aug 25) for the Verbum Dei feeding ministry program. With all the bread, loaves, baked cakes and goodies, we were able to feed many people. We were reminded of Jesus feeding the 5000, such that “they all ate and were satisfied” (Mark 6:42). It is a privilege to be one with our Lord in his desire to nourish the poor. The Catholic vision on the Church of the poor is well developed in its social teaching. We are taught that “the poor remain entrusted to us and it is this responsibility upon which we shall be judged at the end of time (cf. Mt 25:31-46): ‘Our Lord warns us that we shall be separated from him if we fail to meet the serious needs of the poor and the little ones who are his brethren’” (Compendium of Social Doctrine, n. 183). On poverty, Mother Teresa said, “We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty… There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread but there are many more dying for a little love.” As we continue to dedicate ourselves in prayer and ministry of the Word, many hearts, transformed in Christ, are moved to love Him and their neighbors. I believe that authentic social works come from God who is compassionate and generous. We give full credit and a thousand thanks to all the sponsors. I'm happy to be part of these beautiful and cheerful volunteers. We can heal as one during this pandemic. Christ is with us. Let's go! Here are some photos of the event: With thanks to Gelo, missionary, and the WordNews team
Tagalog Daily ShotsThe Word of God is indeed powerful to people and what more when spoken in their native dialect? On the 22nd of June, another mission in our Verbum Dei Community was born in Luzon through the “Tagalog Daily Shots.” They are short audio recorded reflections on the daily gospel in Tagalog which is widely spoken in Luzon.
“Tagalog Daily Shots” are heard every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, given by members of the Verbum Dei Family of the Philippines. Now, after a little time after its launch, it’s slowly making waves in the lives of many Filipinos. It is proven by the positive feedback that the team has received from the people. This is one of those shared to one of the preachers, “Maraming salamat sa gabay pagninilay... Nagiging lakas ko ito, ate, sa pang araw-araw, lalo na sa bago kong misyon...pray for me that I may be an instrument in my own little way dito sa aking bagong trabaho. God bless, Ate, and continue to inspire others.” (‘Thank you for the reflections… they give me strength, my sister, daily, especially for my new mission… pray for me that I may be an instrument in my own little way here in my new work. God bless, my sister, and continue to inspire others.’) Currently, “Tagalog Daily Shots” can be accessed through Messenger, Viber and on the Verbum Dei Philippines website. Isaiah 52:7 says “How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news. Who announces peace and brings good news, who announces peace, and brings good news of happiness, who announces salvation, and says to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Let us continue to spread the word of God to others and be an instrument of evangelization. Starting a new apostolate here in Cagayan de Oro, Mindanao is quite a blessing considering the stay-at-home mandate due to this pandemic. However, nothing is stopping the Word of God reaching out to many even to our trusted ‘Servants’ of the Philippine Police who are in front of this Covid 19 battle safeguarding our safety. We launched a School of the Word to the Regional Communications and Electronics Unit 10 Division last June 4, 2020, and every Wednesday at 9:30am thereafter through online and once a month face-to-face meeting. Let us pray that the Word of God can guide their lives, and may the Holy Spirit teach them how to build up a Kingdom of love and justice here on earth. Here are some photos of the event:
Love Never EndsBringing couples to the sacrament of matrimony In the month of July we celebrated a meaningful, significant and joyful moment in the lives of nineteen couples whose long dream to receive the sacrament of matrimony came true. The theme of the celebration was “Love never ends” (1 Cor. 13:8), and it was a fulfilling moment to see couples wedded in holy matrimony at last. This is part of the Pasig Urban Poor Program that started three years ago, to respond to the concrete reality of many couples living together for many years outside marriage. We congratulate the happy couples for their option to receive the sacrament in the midst of the challenges of processing their documents, receiving the formation online and sourcing out of the funds for the expenses in this time of pandemic. They are part of the 38 couples whom the community and our couples core group have accompanied in their preparation and formation collaborating in the dream of God to build their lives and relationship with each other and their families in His faithful love. Indeed, God’s love is stronger than the Covid 19 bearing fruit of a life changing experiences to these couples and their families, a spring board to an integral change in the society. We are grateful as well to all our mission partners who have been generous in their self-giving supporting and making this cause possible. Here are some more photos of the event:
Remain in MeReflection on Night of prayer and Vigil with the Lord On August 1st, we, the Verbum Dei Missionaries, organized a night of prayer, songs and silent reflection open to people from all walks of life. The theme of this night was “Remain in Me as I remain in you” John 15:4. The objective was to awaken the call and be reminded of Jesus’ promise in our vocation - a life of loving especially in this time of pandemic when there are many uncertainties be it in our career, our dreams and choices in life. There were about 55 participants who signed in on Zoom individually and as a family. It was an experience of how many are hungry for the time and space to be with Jesus whether personally or as a community praying together as one. It reassured us to keep holding on together on the certainty in life believing and knowing that Jesus walks together with each one of us on our unique journey towards the same goal. A time also to strengthen His love for us was when we sang the song “No greater love.” We invited the participants to type in the chat the word or phrase that spoke to their hearts. I recall reading many of them that wrote “No greater love than a man would give his life for a friend” and “there’s no higher sacrifice than a man would give his life, he has paid a precious price for me.” These two sentences really spoke to my heart there and then, the greatness and value of our friendship with Jesus, that nothing can be exchanged for. Our Lord and God calls us his friends and invites us to the call to share this special friendship to others. As it was shared in the introduction before the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament that “Many are awakened by an alarm while some are awakened by a call.” Though we may not always get the response immediately, we know to whom we can find the answer to our many questions in life. We ended the night with a couple of sharing from the participants on their experience and fruit of the prayer vigil. The fruits on this night were gratitude for the time and space that was provided and the awareness of hunger and thirst of many to be with Jesus. The personal invitation was to listen to Him in the silence of our hearts where He is able to speak to us. With thanks to Priscilla Su and the WordNews team
December 2024
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