Weekly Guidelines
Read this week's guidelines and be nourished as you journey with our Community in Cebu.
Guidelines for Prayer: February 27-March 5, 2017 - Come and possess the Kingdom of GodGeneral Theme: "I Will Bring Them Back To You" General Objectives: To take this Lenten season as the opportune time to encourage to bring our brothers and sisters back to the Father through the Word. The Word is a gift. Persons are gifts. (Cf. Pope’s Lenten Message 2017) Objective of the week:
To encourage to seek the Kingdom in the community where everyone find his/her place. To discover the value of each one as the Father did. General Theme: Enlarge the space of your tent. (Isaiah 54:2) General Objectives: To introduce the National Apostolic Project (NAP) to the VDMFa inviting them to own and personalize this project of God for the Verbum Dei Missionary Family Philippines for the next three (3) years. Objective of the week:
To heed a personal call to choose a priority you are more inclined or called to collaborate in. General Theme: Enlarge the space of your tent. (Isaiah 54:2) General Objectives: To introduce the National Apostolic Project (NAP) to the VDMFa inviting them to own and personalize this project of God for the Verbum Dei Missionary Family Philippines for the next three (3) years. Objective of the week:
To enlarge our tent is to take a further step in continuing to form apostles outside Philippines (ad extra ASIA) General Theme: Enlarge the space of your tent. (Isaiah 54:2) General Objectives: To introduce the National Apostolic Project (NAP) to the VDMFa inviting them to own and personalize this project of God for the Verbum Dei Missionary Family Philippines for the next three (3) years Objective of the week:
To enlarge our tent is to consolidate our existing identity. |
July 2021
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