Weekly Guidelines
Read this week's guidelines and be nourished as you journey with our Community in Cebu.
Guidelines for Prayer: June 26 - July 1, 2017 - As the Holy Spirit comes, you will be bold witnesses of God’s love to the ends of the earthAs the Holy Spirit comes, you will be bold witnesses of God’s love to the ends of the earth.June 26 - July 1, 2017 General Theme: Many began to believe Him because of the word of the woman (John 4:39) General Objective: To teach the apostles to accompany the new people with their life and their words based on how Jesus accompanied His apostles after the resurrection. Objective of the week:
To understand the transcendence of learning how to transmit the Spirit in our mission
Guidelines for prayer: June 19-25, 2017 - The water I shall give will become in you a spring of water.“The water I shall give will become in you a spring of water.”(John 4:14) June 19-25, 2017 General Theme: Jesus himself drew near and walked along with them.” (Lk.24:15) General Objective: To teach the apostles to accompany the new people with their life and their words based on how Jesus accompanied His apostles after the resurrection. Objective of the week:
To learn from Jesus the importance to transmit the Spirit in our mission. Fan Into Flame the Gift of God(c.f. 2 Tim. 1:6) June 12-18, 2017 General Theme: Jesus himself drew near and walked along with them.” (Lk.24:15) General Objective: To teach the apostles to accompany the new people with their life and their words based on how Jesus accompanied His apostles after the resurrection. Objectives of the week:
To deepen the importance of transmitting the Spirit in our mission “Receive the Holy Spirit”(John 20:22) June 5 - 11, 2017 General Objective: To learn the Importance to transmit the Spirit in our mission. (2Kings 2:9) Objective of the week:
To learn to transmit the Spirit in our mission. |
July 2021
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