Weekly Guidelines
Read this week's guidelines and be nourished as you journey with our Community in Cebu.
Fulfill the Good Work You Have Begun(cf. Phil 1:26) Week IV (Feb. 24-March 1, 2020) General Theme: Heirs of a Charism, Open to the Dynamism of the Spirit
General Objective of this Year: To promote in the entire Verbum Dei Family a missionary, prophetic, itinerant and expansive spirit by looking at the signs of times so that we can joyfully form apostles and evangelizing communities. To deepen into the roots of our charism and legacy received from our founder, Jaime Bonet, so that we renew our missionary consecration and we transmit it with creative fidelity to the new generations. Specific Objective for the month: To go deeper in the understanding of our Charism. To be faithful to how our founder, Fr. Jaime understood this Charism I have come to bring fire to humanity(Cf.Lk.12:49) February 17-23, 2020 General Theme: Heirs of a Charism, Open to the Dynamism of the Spirit
General Objective of this Year: To promote in the entire Verbum Dei Family a missionary, prophetic, itinerant and expansive spirit by looking at the signs of times so that we can joyfully form apostles and evangelizing communities. To deepen into the roots of our charism and legacy received from our founder, Jaime Bonet, so that we renew our missionary consecration and we transmit it with creative fidelity to the new generations. Specific Objective for the month: To go deeper in the understanding of our Charism. To be faithful to how our founder Fr. Jaime understood this Charism. I have chosen you to be with me and send you out to preach.(Mark 3:14) February 3-9, 2020 General Theme: Heirs of a Charism, Open to the Dynamism of the Spirit
General Objective of this Year: To promote in the entire Verbum Dei Family a missionary, prophetic, itinerant and expansive spirit by looking at the signs of times so that we can joyfully form apostles and evangelizing communities. To deepen into the roots of our charism and legacy received from our founder, Jaime Bonet, so that we renew our missionary consecration and we transmit it with creative fidelity to the new generations. Objective of the Week: to learn how to live with joy and generosity the work of evangelization as Verbum Dei missionary disciples |
July 2021
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