Weekly Guidelines
Read this week's guidelines and be nourished as you journey with our Community in Cebu.
Guidelines for prayer: September 25-October 1, 2017 - Until Christ is Formed in You"Until Christ is Formed in You."September 25 - October 1, 2017 Specific Objective:
To become an apostle who accompanies others until the other person becomes another Christ. “in season and out of season…”(2 Tim 4:2) September 18-24, 2017 Specific Objective:
That as an apostle I may learn how to accompany others in their journey of faith Called to Accompany OthersSeptember 11-17, 2017 General Theme: “… Until Christ is formed in you!” General Objective: To deepen on how to accompany others until they make an option to follow Jesus. Objective of the week:
That as an apostle I may learn what is to accompany so that I no longer live for myself but for him, and with him, for others.
Guidelines for Prayer: September 4-10, 2017 - He chose twelve, whom he named apostles"He chose twelve, Whom he named apostles"Mk.3:14 September 4-10, 2017 General Theme: “… Until Christ is formed in you!” General Objective: To deepen on how to accompany others until they make an option to follow Jesus. Objective of the week:
That I may recognize my calling as an apostle |
July 2021
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