Prayer Buddies: July 26, 2018"I spoke because I believed."In the same faith, we also speak because we believe (2Corinthians 4:13)
Faith in Jesus is a great gift of the Lord for us despite of our imperfections. By this gift, we are also invited to share with others the benefit we receive from the gospel being shared to us either individually or collectively. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies: July 21, 2018But now, in union with Jesus Christ, you who used to be far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ... Christ came to preach the good news of peace to all. It is through Christ that all of us, the Jews & the Gentiles, are able to come in one spirit into the presence of the Father. (Eph 2:13-18)
Jesus Christ is a messenger of peace & unity. Through his death at the cross he brought the Jews & the Gentiles as one race in the presence of the Father. Jesus wanted us to imitate him through the Eucharist; to die from our pride & self-centeredness creating in us a humble & loving heart; to promote peace & unity among his people. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies: July 20, 2018"He made my words sharp as swords. He made me like an arrow sharp and ready for use. The Lord said to me, I have greater task for you my servant. Not only you will restore to greatness the people of Israel who have survived but I will make you light to the nations so that all the world may be saved".(Isaiah 49:4-6)
God commissioned us to share his words to his people. This is our greatest task to preach the good news in words and in deeds. Jesus molds us to be like him at the Eucharist, and to bring his light to all his people. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies: July 17, 2018"When Jesus got out of the boat, he saw this large crowd, and his heart was filled with pity for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd." (Mark 6:30-34)
Jesus was so compassionate and He reached them out because these people were hungry and thirsty for the truth and His love. Let us open our hearts and be available to those who are in need today. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies: July 14, 2018He shall judge between the nations, and set term for many peoples. (Isaiah 2:4)
Jesus' desires for us is to be formed through the Eucharist: to convince our minds and consciences; to conquer and change our hearts. He wants us to recognize that He is present in us. We are His bearer so that others may see Him present in each of our lives. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES.
Prayer Buddies: July 10, 2018The Lord God is my help, therefore I am not disgraced; Therefore I have set my face like flint, knowing that I shall not be put to shame. (Isaiah 50:4-7)
The Eucharist is where we are refreshed and sustained when we are tired, when we are persecuted and when we don't know what to say and do. It gives us strength! Through the Eucharist, we understand what treasure God has given us, a treasure of proclaiming His life & love. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies: July 5, 2018"For GOD has already placed Jesus Christ as the one and only foundation & no other foundation can be laid"
(1 Corinthians 3:10-13) We are the temple of GOD. His Spirit dwells in each of us which makes us holy. We must build our lives with the Eucharist as it's core. What am I using to build my life towards holiness? VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies: July 4, 2018“My child, if you are going to serve the LORD, be prepared for times when you will be put to the test. Be sincere & determined”(Sirach 2:1-2)
The Church through the Word & the Eucharist is our shelter & source of strength. We continually receive that grace to live a Christian life amidst all adversities. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies: July 2, 2018“In him you are being built together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit” (Ephesians 2:22)
Let us be reminded that we are a dwelling place of God & apostles of Christ. We can't make ourselves worthy, but we need to reflect God’s generosity. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies: July 1, 2018"I have told you these things,so that in me you may find peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
Peace isn't the absence of trouble but, it is in the presence of Jesus in our troubles. He understands completely when we grieve. So let us be confident enough that peace will rule in our lives and in our hearts because God is working in us. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES |