Prayer Buddies: September 29, 2018But if we hope for what we don't see, we wait for in patience. (Romans 8:22-27)
Hope that is seen isn't hope at all. Our way is rough and long but the Holy Trinity accompanies us! We just need a kind of perseverance that "keeps us going" despite of the many faces of our circumstances. Where there is strong desire, then we can wait for it in patience... That's true hope! VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies: September 23, 2018"Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me" (Mark 9:37)
Who is the greatest in God's kingdom?The one who has the attributes like that of a child --- meek, trusting, obedient & no prejudices. Thus a child can easily follow Jesus. Are you the same? Can you follow the greatest leader who comes not to be served but to serve? VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies: September 21, 2018Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what GOd requires, the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. (Matthew 5:10)
God only requires us to do things that make us live our life to its fulness, living and working for eternal life. The Trinity will strengthen our faith and will guide us to be resilient to any persecution and become recipient of the kingdom in heaven. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies: September 16, 2018If anyone wants to come with me, he told them, he must forget himself, carry his cross and follow me.
(Mark 8:34) Only the children of God can be a bearer of Christ's cross. Only the children of God can recognise who he is. To follow him requires strong and pure heart because to carry the cross without Christ is meaningless, lifeless. Today, he invites us to embrace, love and not to give up the cross of our following as He did. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies: September 12, 2018"You do not belong to yourselves but to God; he bought you for a price. So use your bodies for God's glory." (1Corinthians 6:18-20)
God reminds us again today of His true love by sending His son who died for us to redeem us from our fleshly desires. Let us live with the Holy Trinity daily so we will be constantly reminded of how precious and expensive our lives are. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies: September 11, 2018Jesus answered, "The knowledge about the secrets of the kingdom has been given to you, but not to them." (Matthew 13:10-17)
We are very fortunate that the Holy Trinity made themselves so close to us by establishing their kingdom in us so that we can be in constant companionship with them. He calls us to reveal their love to others. Do you realize how fortunate you are? VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies: September 10, 2018"...I ask you, is it lawful to do good on the sabbath rather than to do evil, to save life rather than to destroy it?..."(Luke 6:6-11)
Today, Jesus is showing us the ultimate lesson to love and freedom. Sometimes we are too bounded by our traditions that it interferes in our desire to do good. We are too hinged to a structured world that we tend to follow what is normal even if we know it is not right. Jesus has freed us that. Be free! VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies: September 9, 2018"then He looked up to heaven and groaned, and said to him, "Ephphatha!" -- that is, "Be opened!" Mark 7:34
The faith of the people compelled them to bring the deaf man to Jesus and ask for healing -- for a miracle. How about you? Does your faith heals your own blindness & deafness from the love of God? Will you allow God to use your life to be the channel of His love so that others can see and hear? Bring them to the WORD today. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES “Then He poured some water into a washbasin and began to wash the disciple's feet..."John 13:5
Despite Jesus' complete knowledge and power, he washed all the disciple's feet including Judas who betrayed Him. How wonderful is the kind of love God rendered to everyone. How about you? Do you love others including those who are unlovable? Are you willing to serve them? Happy Birthday Mama Mary! Pray for us and guide us how to become imitator of your son Jesus, our servant leader. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES “What are you doing here, Elijah?” 1Kings 19:9-12
God’s persistent question gently push us toward a faithful response. He is not in the loud and showy events but is heard in a subtle and soft sounds of life that we are gently drawn to listen. Are we willing to listen intently? VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES |