Prayer Buddies - 9/27/2017May you be made strong with all the strength which comes from his glorious power, so that you may be able to endure everything with patience. Col 1:11
Let us not get discourage of our own process in becoming a good Christians. We need to be patient with ourselves first in order to be patient with the process of others. True, we have failed Jesus along the way but that doesn't mean we will give up our duty being the light for others. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies - 9/26/2017We are not people who turn back and are lost. Instead we have faith and are saved. (Heb.10:39)
Are you ready for the adventure of the missionary work? My friend don't worry too much because Jesus is accompanying you to fulfill His mission. Continue to be courageous and prayerful so that you can always walk in faith. He has chosen you to do the same to other people, to truly-love and fully-live the Gospel message. You can because Jesus is with you! VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies - 9/25/2017"...until Christ is formed in you."(Gal.4:19)
St. Paul bore all the pains that he went through in the mission. He did not give up despite the many inhumane tortures he faced. He never gave up bec. he himself experienced how Jesus never gave up on him who once was a great sinner, a persecutor of the Church. Jesus loved him till the end-until Christ's nature is formed in him. Who are the people that God calls us to love until Christ is formed in them too? VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies - 9/24/2017"Take your earnings and go. I choose to pay the last comer as much as I pay you." Mt. 20:14
God's generosity will always abound no matter what the circumstances may be. Whether we served Him at an early age or much later, it doesnt matter to Him because His grace and love for us will always be the same. Thank you Lord for understanding and accompanying us in our individual process in serving you. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer buddies - 9/20/2017Jesus said to them, "What are you talking about to each other, as you walk along?" Lk 24:17
One way of accompanying someone is to have the initiative to ask, "How are you?, How's your day?" Simple act of love makes them smile and feel that they are important. Make the first move to go near, ready to listen without condemnation because each one has an interesting life story to tell. Make someone smile today. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer buddies - 9/15/2017It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me...(Gal.2:20)
The authenticity of our identity is not a world setting(customer, job position, etc.) but TO BE CHRIST. This identity is a seal given in our Baptism. By virtue and faith, I need to keep my identity in accompanying others to live the same so that they may do in return to others also. How can I keep living my identity in order that others may take a further step in their identity as well? VD PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies - 9/14/2017"Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love." (1John 4:8)
God's love is absolute. It never wavers. Am I allowing myself to live according to his love? Let us be grateful in all cirscumstances we undergo; it could be painful, discouraging, and distressing. Let us continue to fix our eyes on Him for He is loving. A love that heals the pain and a love that restores our identity. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer buddies - 9/13/2017'But a Samaritan who was traveling that way came upon the man, and when he saw him, his heart was filled with pity.'Lk 10:33. How did we treat others?
God's love and mercy towards all is wide and unconditional. No one is excluded. So we must be ready to do good at all times, just as God is good to us. Ask Jesus today to increase our faith so we may recognize His presence in each one of us. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies - 9/12/2017Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing. 1Thes. 5:11
Mission is for everybody! We're called to accompany others and to help them discover their Christ-like identity. Let's be sincere and ask Jesus how to be Him for others - to become a motivation for our brothers and sisters that there is an urgent call to accompany others. How do you value the urgency of the call of Jesus to be with others? VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies - 9/11/2017There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male & female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. (Gal. 3:26-28)
We are called to love the people that God entrusts into our hands w/o distinction, for in Christ, we are all one. No one is lesser or greater than the other. No one among us is favored more than the other as we are all children of God in Christ. Do I share God's love to ALL or to only a selected few? Do I accompany in my faith journey only those I am comfortable with; those who are receptive of His word or even the stubborn hearted? VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES |