Prayer Buddies - 8/30/2017"...because these thoughts of yours don't come from God, but from human nature." Mt 16:23
When God created the world and human beings, he saw it was very good. Since we're created by God, there's goodness within us. Don't lose hope. Believe there's still goodness in us as well as in others. He's only asking us to tell them and to listen to God. What have been God's word of affirmation for you? How can we use these words to encourage others? VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies - 8/29/2017Whenever a piece of pottery is turned out imperfect, he would take the clay and make it into something else. Jeremiah 18:1-4
Our Master, Jesus, wants us to be formed by his own hands. He cares and loves us so much. But, do we trust Him as he takes full responsibility of our lives? Jesus invites us today to rise and live like him. To encourage others to be his disciples in this world. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer buddies - 8/27/2017'But you' he said, 'Who do you say I am?' Then Simon Peter spoke up and he said, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.'
Mt. 16:15-16 We have different impressions of Jesus based from how we journey w/ Him after all these years but it is only by the grace of God that our spirit can recognize that He is our God - and this comes through prayer. Like Peter, let us make the option to pray daily to be in communion w/ Him always. VD PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer buddies - 8/24/2017"Whoever welcomes a child such as this is in my name, welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me, welcomes not me, but the One who sent me."(Lk. 9:48)
How often do we welcome Jesus in our life? Do we openly accept His will or we contrast? To be an apostle is to welcome Jesus. It could be in a form of pain and joy. We must welcome and embrace them as it is where we are formed as an apostle. Welcoming our reality is to welcome Jesus in us. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies - 8/23/2017"...he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he called 'Apostles'" Lk 6:13
Our calling is to go as an Apostle, to transmit to others what we have heard and witnessed from Jesus. What have we learned from the Master that authorized us to teach to them? VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer buddies - 8/22/2017"The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest. Go on your way; behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves." Lk 10:2-3
What are we afraid of? Knowing that our Master, Jesus is the one sending us in this mission. He guides us through concrete people who have lived their lives in the spirit of the mission: praying, living out, & preaching the Word of God. Let's unceasingly pray & ask Jesus to strengthen us & be full of courage in sharing & living out His word. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer buddies - 8/21/2017"When the young man heard this statement, he went away sad, for he had many possessions."
Mt19:16-22 Who & what are those that possess our minds & hearts that we find hard to let go? Is it an addiction of whatever form or hunger for honor, for fame, for riches or self-gratification? May we aspire for TRUE RICHES & REAL HAPPINESS by letting go of what doesn't lead us to Christ. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be. VD PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer buddies - 8/19/2017"I have come not to do away the prophets & the law but to make their teaching come true." (Mt. 5:17-20)
Life full of happiness can only unfold when we fulfill the will of Jesus for us. Listening to His word isn't the final end but only when it is brought to reality through our daily witnessing. Let's continue passing on what we have heard & learn from Jesus for this is the way we fulfill the law of the Father. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer buddies - 8/16/2017"I am the gate. Those who come in by me will be saved .."
(Jn 10:9) Jesus is the gate, who opens the eyes of our minds and hearts for the truth. What's the truth? That only in God will we find happiness by loving Him through our brothers and sisters. Love moves us to do what Jesus has done. Let us enter into the gate and allow Him to show to us the way to love. What is Jesus asking you to do same to others? VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES
Prayer Buddies - 8/15/2017Jesus turned & saw them following him & said to them,
'What are you looking for?" They said to him, "Rabbi, where are you staying?" (Jn1:38) Jesus is our beloved teacher who encourages us to deepen our discipleship. Do we opt to stay w/Him & discover the answers to our questions? He wants us to anchor in Him as the source of our life & joy. Let us continue to enter into our inner self so that we can be more prayerful & helpful w/our sisters & brothers. VERBUM DEI PRAYER BUDDIES |