Reflections of Faith
Read and be inspired by a reflection based on today's Gospel made by members of the Verbum Dei Family in Manila.
Daily Guidelines: January 31, 2020January 31, 2020 – Friday
Gospel: Mark 4: 26-34 The Kingdom of God Our gospel today highlights how Jesus wants to teach us the mystery of the Kingdom of God through parables. He likens the kingdom of God to a small mustard seed which grows and become the largest of all plants. For our faith to grow, we must shower it with efforts no matter how small or big it is. We must take advantage of the available means provided to us to grow in our faith through praying with the word of God or being present with God in Eucharist. If we encounter difficulties, be humble and ask the grace to God to help and guide us in the challenges we face in our prayer and faith life. Mother Mary, accompany us to persevere in loving, allowing the Kingdom of God to grow in us, living and sharing the Kingdom of God especially to others who need it. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 30, 2020January 30, 2020 – Thursday
Gospel: Mark 4: 21-25 To the one who produces something, more will be given In our gospel, Jesus tells us to see light as a chance to show and offer ourselves to whatever that comes in our way: be a helping hand, a listening ear or a compassionate heart. Jesus invites us to listen to the needs of our society. No matter how we feel that we lack the resources or capacity to help, Jesus sees us enough. When we give, more will be rewarded to us: blessings and graces will favor upon us. Mother Mary, we pray for the openness to help and give joy to other people. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 29, 2020January 29, 2020 – Wednesday
Gospel: Mark 4: 1-20 Hear the word, take it to heart and produce! In our gospel, Jesus told a parable about a sower sowing the word of God in different types of soil. In our faith life, Jesus is asking us today, how do we take and receive His words in our lives? Do we receive the word of God with meaning and apply the fruits that we received? Jesus wants nothing but the best for us that’s why he continues to invite us to prepare ourselves to be a good soil that hears the word, take it to heart and produce good fruit. What type of soil are you? Pray and reflect today with the gospel on this question. Mother Mary, help us to be rooted in Christ always that we may make ourselves the good soil that produces good fruit. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 28, 2020January 28, 2020 - Tuesday
Gospel: Mark 3: 31-35 Whoever does the will of God is brother and sister and mother to me In the gospel, the crowd was informing Jesus that his mother and brothers are waiting outside. In reply, Jesus asked “Who are my mother and brother?” Jesus is asking the same question, inviting us to look beyond the biological family we have. Who are our other mother and brother surrounding us? Needing our words of affirmation, good deeds and genuine concern? As simple “how are you” can brighten and uplift someone’s day. Look outside and go beyond out of our comforts. Mother Mary, teach us how to fulfill the will of God by doing good to our mother and brothers in Christ, members of God’s family. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 27, 2020January 27, 2020 - Monday
Gospel: Mark 3:22-30 Holy Spirit be in our midst and unite us! In the gospel, Jesus asked in one his parables "How can Satan drive out Satan?" How do we know that we have avoided temptations in facing our challenges and problems? Jesus invites us to stand united against those temptations. How? It is when we are connected to Him that we can drive out the demons surrounding us. Aside from that, the Holy Spirit is ever-present. We are invited to call it to be in our midst and united us with Jesus Christ. Mother Mary, we pray that we may always seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in driving out the temptations we encounter everyday. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 26, 2020January 26, 2020 Sunday
Gospel: Matthew 4:12—23 “Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (cf. Matthew 4:19) Today’s Gospel narrates to us how Jesus begins to preach and calls His first disciples. Like the disciples in the Gospel, are we also ready to leave our lives behind for Jesus? Jesus is calling us today for something greater than what we have at present. And the moment of following Him is the fulfillment of one’s faithful life. His call to mission gives us the way to love more and live more our faith. Let us ask Mother Mary to help us have the courage that we need in giving our “Yes” to the call of Jesus in our lives. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 25, 2020January 25, 2020 Saturday
Gospel: Mark 16:15–18 “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature.” (cf. Mark 16:15) Today, Jesus is inviting us to let the world know of our faith and proclaim the Good News to all. Though some us lack the capacity to deliberately speak out and preach our faith, we may let our lives to become testaments to the love of God to us. Let us ask Mother Mary to help us to be faithful in our lives as Christians in living what we preach and preaching what we live. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 24, 2020January 24, 2020 Friday
Gospel: Mark 3:13–19 “To be sent out to proclaim the message” (cf. Mark 3:14) Like the apostles in today’s Gospel, we are all called to proclaim the Gospel. As Christians, Jesus has also sent us to mission of bringing good news to the people and give them the truth of our faith. May we be like the Apostles, faithful and truthful to their service as Jesus sent them into mission. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 23, 2020January 23, 2020 Thursday
Gospel: Mark 3:7–12 “You are the Son of God.” (cf. Mark 3:11) There are aspects in our lives that need healing – be it physical, mental or spiritual, Jesus can heal it with His power. The people in today’s Gospel have shown great faith upon witnessing the Son of God’s healing power. Today, let us look on those faith-empowering moments when we experienced the healing power of Jesus and have time to give thanks to Him – the Son of God. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 22, 2020January 22, 2020 Wednesday
Gospel: Mark 3:1–6 “Is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath rather than to do evil, to save life rather than to destroy it?” (cf. Mark 3:4) It was a call of mission timed on a critical moment when Jesus encountered the man who had a withered hand for it was strictly prohibited for people to cure on a Sabbath day. But Jesus did the extraordinary – He healed the man. There were times in our lives when we are at a critical moment of choice – whether to do right or let the moment pass. And there were these moments of mission that only come to us once and often times, we miss the chance of helping Jesus in the place of our brothers and sisters in need. Let us ask Mother Mary to help us open our hearts to those moments when Jesus is in front of us asking for our help. #PrayVD |
August 2021
CategoriesAll Daily Guidelines Reflections On The Word Of God School Of The Word Thoughts From A Disciple |