Reflections of Faith
Read and be inspired by a reflection based on today's Gospel made by members of the Verbum Dei Family in Manila.
Daily Guidelines: March 31, 2019March 31, 2019 – Sunday
Gospel: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 “He was lost, but now he has been found.” (Luke 15:32) God never stops loving us. In many moments that we have gone astray, He has always led us in coming back to Him. This is the hope that we can hold on to especially in this time of Lent – that God, our Father, values our little desire and attempts to go back to Him. And just like with the prodigal son, He is always excited to run, throw his arms around us, and kiss us. Have you thanked God today for always finding you? #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: March 30, 2019March 30, 2019 – Saturday
Gospel: Luke 18:9-14 “…and those who humble themselves will be made great.” (cf Luke 18:14) Today’s gospel warns us of self-righteousness and invites us to contemplate on the attitude of humility. As we continue to take the Lenten journey, we are called to live with humility knowing that the greatness that comes from this virtue lies in recognizing our need of God and allowing others to see God at work in our lives. How is Jesus inviting you to be humble today? #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: March 29, 2019March 29, 2019 – Friday
Gospel: Mark 12:28-34 “You are not far from the Kingdom of God.” (Mark 12:34) Jesus affirms the understanding of the scribes on the greatest two commandments: to love God with all your heart, mind, and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself. The scribe is not far from the Kingdom not because he knows it in mind but because in his heart is a knowledge of an authentic love moving him – in little, concrete and practical ways – to love God with all his heart, mind , and soul and to love others as he loves himself. Mother Mary, that is how you also love God. Help us to do the same for Him. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: March 28, 2019March 28, 2019 – Thursday
Gospel: Luke 11;14-23 “Whoever is not for me is really against me.” (Luke 11:23) Give credit where credit is due, as it says. In today’s Gospel, the Pharisees give credit to the demon in the miracle that Jesus performed. In our lives, there can be moments that we overlook God’s power in our lives and we attribute everything to our own effort. As we continue to walk in the season of Lent, let us ask for the grace to see with the eyes of faith the power of Jesus in all that we do. When we recognize His work in us, we unite ourselves to Him and build a stronger relationship with Him. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: March 27, 2019March 27, 2019 – Wednesday
Gospel: Matthew 5:17-19 “I have not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill.” (cf Matthew 5:17) When Jesus said that he is to fulfill the law, he does not mean making a new list of commandments nor completing the list. He accompanies us to the fulfillment of the law by bringing us to the essence and end of all the commandments: to love God above all. Jesus desires that this greatest law – the law of love – be fulfilled in the life of each one. In this time of Lent, may our practice of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving lead us to love God above all. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: March 26, 2019March 26, 2019 – Tuesday
Gospel: Matthew 18:21-35 “Be patient with me…” (cf Matthew 18:26) God never gets tired of forgiving. When we look back on how much mercy He has poured out to us for many times we have offended Him, we cannot help but recognize His patient love with us. While it is true that forgiving may never come easy, Jesus has shown us the way by allowing us to experience His mercy and compassion. He desires that we also extend the same with those who hurt us. Today, pray for someone who has hurt you. Ask the grace from the Holy Spirit to accompany you in your process of healing and forgiving. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: March 25, 2019March 25, 2019 – Monday
Gospel: Luke 1:26-38 Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord “I am the Lord’s servant. May it happen to me as you have said.” (Luke 1:38) In this response of Mary lies the secret of her deep wisdom and spirituality: she knows who she is in front of God and abandons her life to His will while carrying in her heart the words of Angel Gabriel during the Annunciation, “Hail favored one! The Lord is with you.” Through Mary’s fiat, we are given the confidence that each of us is a “favored one” – called to give birth to Christ in our family , workplace, and community. Let us ask our Mother to transform our fear to fiat so that like her, we may give our daily YES to His will to carry Christ in our humanity. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: March 24, 2019March 24, 2019 – Sunday
Gospel: Luke 13:1-9 "But unless you change your ways, you will all perish, as they did" – Luke 13:3 Today's Gospel is a call for repentance. Jesus emphasized that unless we repent, we will perish as those who did not repent. Many people would say that they would do things later because they still have time. So they’ll just live the way they want never arriving at the moment of change of growth. It is never too late to change. Everyday in our life is a chance given by God for us to change our ways, to repent and to reform our lives going back to His love and embrace. Let us not waste the opportunity that He continues to give us. Start now! #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: March 23, 2019March 23, 2019 – Saturday
Gospel: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 "This man welcomes sinner and eats with them." - Luke 15:2 In today's Gospel, Jesus reminds us that His love is unconditional. God's love does not exclude sinners as Jesus assures us that our sins do not exclude us from His love. He waits with a hopeful heart and welcomes us back to His embrace – preparing a feast and eats with us. May we learn from Jesus' example of forgiveness and never excluding our brothers and sisters who wronged us, remembering how God includes and loves us though we sin against Him. Amen. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: March 22, 2019March 22, 2019 – Friday
Gospel: Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46 "The kingdom of God will be given to people that will pruduce its fruit." – Matthew 21:43 We are all capable of bearing fruit – whether it is good fruit or bad fruit. Today's Gospel reminds us that whatever we do because of Christ and out of love for Christ is an evidence that we are bearing good fruit. We bear good fruit in every step we take to follow Christ and every act of imitating Him is a fruit of the kingdom of God. Let us pray that we may use our time here on earth producing good fruit for the kingdom of God. Amen. #PrayVD |
August 2021
CategoriesAll Daily Guidelines Reflections On The Word Of God School Of The Word Thoughts From A Disciple |