Reflections of Faith
Read and be inspired by a reflection based on today's Gospel made by members of the Verbum Dei Family in Manila.
Daily Guidelines: April 28, 2021Wednesday - April 28, 2021
Jn 12:44-50 "I came into the world as light" Jesus came into the world as a light of life. The one that illuminates the darkest areas of our life. The one that will make our darkest sins and turn it into light. The one that will light our path when we are astray. Sometimes we find ourselves just in one place and cannot do anything especially this time of pandemic, we are restricted to go anywhere and do anything. It was like our life is experiencing brown out that we cannot see things thus cannot do anything. We cannot work, study, eat, etc. That is why Jesus came into us to be our light. Even in this pandemic, His light still shines for us. He gives light to us so that we can work, He lights our path so that we can go into places to proclaim God. We are invited to share Jesus, our light,to people who are still in darkness. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: April 26, 2021Monday - April 26, 2021
Jn 10:11-18 "I am the Good Shepherd" The gospel describes how marvelous God is by being the Good Shepherd. His voice makes the sheeps united as one flock. In this world of today where there are many divisions in terms of faith, political views, etc.; We are invited to open our hearts and listen to the voice of Jesus because He brings unity in us. Jesus the good shepherd will also defend us from many deaths. It could be death of hope, death of purpose in life and other death that we may experience in life. With Jesus there is no death anymore. Holy Spirit, grant us the grace to open our hearts to Jesus so that we may be able to follow our Good Shepherd. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: April 25, 2021April 25 2021 Sunday
John 10:11-18 I am the Good Shepherd We believe that Jesus is the Good Shepherd when life is "bright and rosy", but when trials and sufferings, like this pandemic, come upon us, we feel that Jesus did not protect us. We feel abandoned and left on our own. Today's Gospel reminds us that Jesus has power over all that cause our fear and anxiety. He assures us, "Do not be afraid, be still and know that I am God." When we believe in this truth, we will live in peace and confidence, knowing that we are under the care of the Good Shepherd, who gave His life for our sake. Mama Mary, calm our restless hearts and allow it to receive the peace of Jesus. Amen, #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: April 24, 2021April 24 2021 Saturday
John 6:60-69 To whom shall we go? In the midst of this pandemic, to whom shall we go for comfort, hope, and strength? Jesus' Resurrection reveals God's power over sin, evil and death. He assures us, over and over: that we too can be saved from sin and death; that this earthly life is temporary, and that we are meant for heaven. But our belief may not be rock solid, it falters; hence, we experience desolation, fear and anxiety. Jesus understands, He invites us now to come before Him, and beg Him to increase and strenghthen our faith. Blessed Mother Mary, grant unto us an unwavering faith like yours. Amen/ #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: April 22, 2021April 23 2021 Friday
John 6:52-59 "My Flesh is true food, and My Blood is true drink." Jesus truly gives us His very Flesh and Blood in the Holy Eucharist. Since we cannot receive Jesus sacramentally, because of the strict quarantine, we continue to receive Him spiritually into our hearts by prayer. Jesus cannot be quarantined. He continues to nourish us with our daily bread - His word. The word of God nourishes, heals, guides, strengthens, and gives hope and comfort to our anxious minds and hearts, during this time of pandemic. Jesus stays in us, making us become another Christ to others, if we give Him a pleasing dwelling space in our hearts. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: April 21, 2021April 21 2021
Wednesday: John 6:35-40 I will not reject anyone "The greater the sinner; the greater the right he has to My mercy." (Diary 723). This is the message of Jesus given to St. Faustina Kowalska. No sin is greater than God's mercy. Jesus' gaze on us is always of love and compassion. No matter how deep we have fallen into sin, if we come to Jesus with a truly repentant heart, He will always forgive us, and allow us to start anew. Jesus makes it clear that it is the will of the Father, that no one be lost among His beloved children. God the Father created us for Himself. He desires all of us to be reunited with Him, loving Him, and glorifying Him for eternity. Mama Mary, protect us always from the snares and wickedness of the evil one. Amen. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: April 20, 2021April 20 2021 Tuesday
John 6:30-35 What sign can you do? We just celebrated the greatest sign the world has ever witnessed: Jesus who died on the Cross and was laid on the tomb, was raised back to life on Easter Sunday. If we remain in disbelief to the Lord's promise that we too will be raised up to eternal life, then perhaps, what we need is not a sign; but a deeper personal relationship with Jesus - a strengthened faith. No sign will ever be enough for us, if we do not have a deep faith and absolute trust in God. And if we do not trust that God is in control over this pandemic, our fear, anxiety, and desolation may get the best of us. As Easter people, we believe that all our sufferings in this world will have a happy ending. Mama Mary, inspire us to believe with firm trust and confidence in the power of the Resurrection. Amen. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: April 19, 2021April 19 2021 Monday
John 6:22-29 Believe in the One He sent Jesus always leads us beyond our hunger for health, wealth, and the good life; to the food that endures for eternal life. He wants us to believe in Him, as the One sent by the Father to save us. If we believe in Jesus' Resurrection and His promise that we too can conquer death; then perhaps, during this time of pandemic, all the more, we would listen to His every word. We will faithfully follow whatever He told us to do, and accept His invitation to live a new way of life - a life walked along a narrow path; but leads us to our permanent home, that is, heaven. Mama Mary, pls help us to faithfully follow Jesus and always keep His word in our hearts. Amen #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: April 18, 2021April 18, 2021 Sunday
Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 “Why are these doubts stirring in your hearts?” “Peace be with you.” The disciples were startled and terrified when they saw Jesus again. As they were walking away from Jerusalem after such painful experience. What is peace with all these pain and agony around us? Peace is not without conflict, anxiety and sufferings! Having this right relationship with Jesus gives us this comfort assurance that all will be well. For this too shall pass! Jesus, as fount of mercy for us, we trust in you! #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: April 17, 2021April 17, 2021 Saturday
Gospel: John 6:16-21 “It is I. Do not be afraid” A father died in his car to isolate himself from his loved ones. His sacrificial act led him to his last breath alone. Exactly what Jesus did, to save us all! These days, death is everywhere! Covid-19 second wave is hitting us harder so unlike the storms we had overcome, will this come to pass? The disciples caught in the storm must have felt death right before them. Yet when they saw Jesus , they felt secured. Yes, our global situation may be overwhelming . We heard what Jesus said - do not be afraid! Let’s us hold on to his word . Let it be our source of strength. For His grace is sufficient for us in times of our need. #PrayVD |
August 2021
CategoriesAll Daily Guidelines Reflections On The Word Of God School Of The Word Thoughts From A Disciple |