Reflections of Faith
Read and be inspired by a reflection based on today's Gospel made by members of the Verbum Dei Family in Manila.
Daily Guidelines: November 29, 2020November 29, 2020 Sunday
Gospel: Mark 13: 33-37 YOU KNOW NOT WHEN THE TIME IS Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the start of the new Liturgical Year. The Gospel today is a reminder that we should always be spiritually ready for the Second Coming of Jesus, for we do not know when the time is. God loves us so much. His only desire is for us to be reunited with Him for eternity. The Holy Bible reveals to us everything that we need to know about our Creator and His great saving plan for us. It is where God speaks to us. Hence, it is necessary to immerse in God's Word everyday, by listening or reading Gospel homilies, reading the Holy Bible and reflecting on it. Then pray for the grace of wisdom and understanding that we may act on it, and be transformed by it. Mama Mary, grant unto us your virtue of simplicity of heart. We desire to be attentive only to what truly matters in the eyes of your Son Jesus, so He may find us most pleasing upon His return. Amen. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: November 28, 2020November 28, 2020 Saturday
Gospel: Luke 21: 34-36 YOUR HEARTS BE OVERCHARGED WITH THE CARES OF THIS LIFE Lately, I have been immersed in the care of my plants as I have been captivated by their beauty and the joy it brings. It consumed most of my time and thoughts that it considerably limited my time to prayer and distracted my focus. And I can hardly write anything spiritual for lack of inspiration. I realized all the more why prayer and a heartfelt spiritual communion is so important and indispensable, if we are to remain profoundly connected with God. What are the things in this world that have captivated our minds and hearts? May we be reminded that God made all these beautiful and wondrous creations for us to enjoy. But God must always come first and He may be glorified through them. May this also remind us of what is passing in this life and what is eternal that matters most. Dear God, thank you for all your blessings. We glorify your greatness in all your creations. Amen. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: November 27, 2020November 27, 2020 Friday
Gospel: Lk 21:29-33 MY WORDS SHALL NOT PASS AWAY God's Word is our guide, our hope, our strength and comfort as we face the changing seasons of life. May we remember this as we struggle from the effects of this pandemic and all sorts of natural calamities, and the challenges brought about by sickness, financial difficulties and other problems. God's Word represents truth and love that is never changing and will last forever. Mama Mary, we reaffirm that we belong to the kingdom of your Son Jesus. We ask for your assistance, so no matter when he comes to call us, we are ready. Amen. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: November 26, 2020November 26, 2020 Thursday
Gospel: Luke 21: 20-28 YOUR REDEMPTION IS AT HAND We will notice that the Gospel readings this week focus on the end times. While we are told about the distress and great tribulation that will happen, it also speaks of our momentous redemption. God assures us not to fear. The phrase "Do not be afraid", "Fear not" or its close synonyms: terrified, anxious, worried, dismayed, shaken, etc., are the most commonly repeated words in the Bible. God understands that our human weakness for fear of sickness and death, losing what we value most, losing our battles in life, or the thought of the world coming to an end, may overwhelm us. But the Lord assures us over and over not to be afraid of anything. As long as we obey God and we remain faithful to Him, the end of this earthly life is only the beginning of what is endless, that is, an eternal life of perfect happiness with Him in heaven. Most Holy Trinity, we believe in you. We trust in your promises. Amen. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: November 25, 2020November 25, 2020 Wednesday
Gospel: Luke 21: 12-19 YOU SHALL BE HATED FOR MY NAME'S SAKE Being a follower of Jesus means making unpopular choices sometimes. We know that this may be viewed by other people as irrelevant, impractical, obsolete - simply killjoy; even hypocritical. But why do we endure? Why do we persevere? Only those who have experienced inner peace, joy, and contentment from God's love profoundly working in our lives will understand why suffering for Christ's sake is sweet. The call for us then is to share this blessing to others by helping them to partake in this amazing experience. Lord Jesus, give us a share of your endurance to persecution and help us not to despair nor be afraid, but to trust in your loving care, as we bear witness to the Good News of salvation. Amen #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: November 24, 2020November 24, 2020 - Tuesday
Gospel: Luke 21: 5-11 THERE SHALL BE GREAT SIGNS The signs of Jesus' Second Coming continues to happen in our time, and there are moments that it may create fear among many of us. Jesus loves His friends – and if we are friends of Jesus, our faith shall be greater than our fear and anxiety in our hearts. Like Lazarus, the dear friend of Jesus whom He brought back to life, death will not have a final say for us. We have heard the Good News of salvation and we believe. When Christ comes again, those who belong to Him will be raised to life. "In Christ all of us will be made alive again." Mama Mary, please see us through as we face whatever evils may beset this world. Help us to remain faithful to your Son Jesus, so in the end, we may share in His glorious Resurrection. Amen. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: November 23, 2020November 23, 2020 Monday
Gospel: Luke 21:1-4 SHE HAS PUT IN ALL SHE HAD The story of the poor widow, who offered all that she had in the treasury of God's temple, reminded me of St. Teresa of Calcutta's saying, "To give until it hurts. This is the meaning of true love." When I responded to God's call to mission and to evangelize, I realized that more than offering material things, I also need to go beyond my comfort, give up my other plans and heart's desire in order to follow God's will. Most of all, my response entails offering to God what pleases Him the most, albeit difficult and often times a struggle to have -- a pure and clean heart emptied of pride, self-righteousness, unforgiveness, and other wrongful desires. Lord Jesus, please strengthen us as we share in building up Your Kingdom, knowing that our sacrifices are nothing compared to the reward that awaits for us in heaven. Amen. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: November 17, 2020November 17,2020 Tuesday
Gospel: Lk19:1-10 “today I must stay at your house” Jesus takes the initiative to find us. Just like the story of Zacchaeus. A man living a life of fortune and influence, yet unhappy. He heard about Jesus and was on the lookout for Him in the crowd. Jesus found him and invited himself to be a guest at his house. In great excitement and joy, Zacchaeus welcomed Jesus into life and he was never the same. Do you desire healing, peace, joy and abundance? Jesus is always on the lookout. Standing at our door, patiently knocking until we open and let him in. Not easy though, it takes humility to recognise our shortcomings and acknowledge our ways. Only then shall we find ourselves before his merciful gaze. He welcomes us into his open and loving arms. Now is the time, let us come to Jesus. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: November 16, 2020November 16,2020 Monday
Gospel: Lk18:35-43 “What do you want me to do for you?” Have you at one point gone through a desperate moment in your life and begged for help? This 2020 is never quite like any year in our lifetime. We see “beggars” of all kinds – mental, relational, financial, physical. COVID-19 and the various calamities have brought degradation and hopelessness to humanity all over the world! On the other hand, today, we see Jesus went about his missions in Jerusalem- preaching, healing people. Then, a loud shout from nowhere called him. He HEARD him and STOPPED. Right next to the beggar, he ASKED him, “what do you want me to do for you?” You see, when no else is there, turn and talk to Jesus. If you call out in faith, he will be there for you. Thank you Holy Trinity and Mama Mary for sending our way people who are gifted to give. Your incarnated love manifested through them. There is hope, peace and love as we keep our gaze on you. Amen. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: November 9, 2020November 9, 2020 Monday
Gospel: Jn 2:13-22 “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” In the Gospel today, Jesus gave the Jews an answer to the sign they are looking for – proof of God’s dominion over life and death. Many times in our lives, we can be like the Jews – never realizing that the only and greatest sign we need is right in front of us: our savior and redeemer, Jesus Christ. When was the last time you challenged life for a sign and forgetting that the one sign you need can be found in your heart? Holy Trinity, help us always remember that Your power goes beyond what we can understand and decipher. Help us never forget that in everything, you still are the greatest sign of Love. Glory be to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now and will be forever. Amen. #PrayVD |
August 2021
CategoriesAll Daily Guidelines Reflections On The Word Of God School Of The Word Thoughts From A Disciple |