Reflections of Faith
Read and be inspired by a reflection based on today's Gospel made by members of the Verbum Dei Family in Manila.
Daily Guidelines: January 24, 2021January 24, 2021 Sunday
Mk 1:14-20 The time is fulfilled Do you recall the first time you heard the call of the Lord? For me, it was way back in high school when I felt how much I needed to have a relationship with the Lord. It meant everything to me and it still does. When the Lord calls us in our specific realities, he calls on us to fulfill the Kingdom right where we are, with whatever it is we are doing. And he continues calling us each day. Lord thank you for calling us to fulfill the mission here. Grant us always faith and hope to answer. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 23, 2021January 23, 2021 Saturday
Mk 3:19-21 He went home What is meant by home? Ordinarily it is the place where our family stays in and where we can easily find people who love and understand us. Unfortunately it is not always the case. Today Jesus experienced rejection when he went home to Nazareth. What will he experience when he comes to visit us in our homes? May he always find welcome and love when he comes to see us. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 22, 2021January 22, 2021 Friday
Mk 3:13-19 He gave them authority to cast out demons Some of us will be good in music, others in preaching, others in organizing. Still others in giving counsel to others. Whatever it is, each of has been gifted by the Lord with specific talents to use in building the Kingdom. When we use those gifts for what the Lord intends for us, we can be assured of his authority and power to guide our success. Lord help us slways to use the gifts you have given to us for the good of others and for your glory! #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 21, 2021January 21, 2021 Thursday
Mk 3:7-12 You are the Son of God As Jesus came into the area, multitudes flocked to see him and obtain healing from him. But did they understand who he truly was? Or did they see him only as a miracle worker? It was the unclean spirits who acknowledged who Jesus was. They saw him deeply, beyond just outward appearances. We in VD are far from being unclean spirits (😊) yet the call for us is the same. Do we acknowledge him as the Son of God and our Savior? Lord help us to have a deep relationship with you so that we can see and experience you in all your glory. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 20, 2021January 20 2021, Wednesday
Mk 3:1-6 Stretch out your hand What is it that you need healing for? Perhaps a physical or emotional pain? A broken relationship? Or someone you care about needs the healing. We live in a broken world and our pain makes us feel withered, like a plant without water. Jesus invites us today to take our pain to him, to stretch out our “withered hands” to him so he can comfort and heal us. Lord, we are broken and need healing. The pain inside us takes away our life. We come to you today to seek your loving and healing comfort. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 19, 2021January 19, 2021 Tuesday
Mk 2:23-28 He went through the grain fields Like a shepherd leading his flock to pasture, Jesus knew exactly what to bring the disciples as they were getting hungry. However the pharisees protested. They would rather the disciples go hungry rather than break their precious law. Are there situations when we become like the pharisees, when we withhold help to others due to envy or self-righteousness? Today the Lord reminds us that he himself walked through the grain fields to feed his people. Lord help us to follow your life giving example at all times. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 18, 2021January 18, 2021 Monday
Mk 2: 18-22 New wine is for fresh wineskins Newness of life, mercies that are new every morning, I make all things new. All throughout Holy Scripture, Jesus tells us that he has come to bring new light and hope into the world. But one thing that prevents us from seeing this light and hope are our own hardened and cynical hearts. Today Jesus reminds us that our hearts must be like new wineskins that are flexible and ready to receive the new wine that God offers us. Lord help us open our hearts to your light and hope! #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 14, 2021January 14, 2021 – Thursday
Mark 1:40-45 “I will it, Be made clean.” The story of the leper is that he went down on his knees in humility, showed Jesus his sores and asked to be healed. Full of piety, sincerity, and sorrow for his sins, the leper opened himself . How about us? How much faith do we have that He will heal us? He awaits us each day in the we yearn to be with Him? Actively seek his healing touch? Desperately? Do we seek Him in Holy Communion? Reconcile with Him at the end of each day? Mama Mary, help us remove our pride, go down on our knees and seek Him as healer, comforter, guide and let Him live in us. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 13, 2021January 13, 2021 – Wednesday
Mark 1:29-39 “Everyone is searching for you.” We too experience these moments when in desperation, we yearn for the presence of God in our lives. We seek to be healed, for our nerves to be calmed, for our problems to be resolved, if we have no one to run to for help. We seek to have those graces to give us the peace we look for. Christ stirs our hearts , seeking a personal dialogue, and it becomes now our obligation to do this for others. Show them how we acquired this calmness of spirit, through our peaceful demeanor, that it is Christ who lives in us. He uses our hands, our feet, our mind, our words, our hearts.... We seek the intercession of St Joseph and Mama Mary in assisting us in our journeys. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: January 12, 2021January 12, 2021 – Tuesday
Mark 1:21-28 “I know who you are, The Holy One of God” Even the evil spirit recognized Jesus as He was ordering it out of a possessed man. As we deepen, renew and give honor to our relationship with Jesus, we give Him recognition and make Him our model to be good children of God. As we follow Him , the only Begotten Son, we become heirs to the Kingdom of God. We are aware of our limitations and are unable to save ourselves, we thus seek to be mindful of our need to cling to Him and be concerned with others. This consciousness of being a child of God, gives us the peace and serenity to keep us joyful the whole day, while serving others. It’s going beyond ourselves and our daily needs. Not only are we fishers of men, we are sowers of joy “For the joy of the Lord is our strength.” #PrayVD |
August 2021
CategoriesAll Daily Guidelines Reflections On The Word Of God School Of The Word Thoughts From A Disciple |