Reflections of Faith
Read and be inspired by a reflection based on today's Gospel made by members of the Verbum Dei Family in Manila.
Are There Prophets in our Times?Originally posted in Facebook by Fr. Michael Cheong, FMVD This Sunday, we celebrate the birth of John the Baptist, the precursor of Jesus Christ, who announced the coming of the Messiah into the world and prepared the way for it.
John the Baptist is probably the most cited person in the gospels apart from Christ himself. What was his role in the mission of Jesus? Why was he thus mentioned in every single Gospel account? And most importantly, what does his life have to say about our own Christian lives today?
True Nourishment in the Eucharist - Reflections on the Word of God (June 18, 2017)True Nourishment in the EucharistOriginally posted in Facebook by Fr. Michael Cheong, FMVD How can one expect to be strong if he does not eat? And neither is it only about eating, but of taking the right nourishment. Have you ever thought for yourself what would make up a healthy spiritual diet? And do you invest time and effort to be healthy in body as well as in spirit?
Proper rest, a correct diet and regular exercise are three essential things that need to be taken care of for a healthy lifestyle. In the same way, spiritual rest, spiritual exercise and a spiritual diet are components to live a harmonious and healthy inner life. Learning how to rest, to be disciplined in your diet and having the proper exercise ensures a life that is fruitful and happy both on the inside and on the outside. The feast of Corpus Christi is about being nourished in our faith through our active participation in the Eucharist, and the principal nourishment is the Person of Christ Himself, in the table of the Word and the table of the Eucharist. "I am the living bread", says Jesus, a bread that is alive and dynamic. It is a kind of nourishment that does not come by mere reception, but by active participation. In other words, we are not invited to the mass to receive the body of Christ like an object; but rather, we are invited to the mass to participate in a meal with Christ as a subject - a Person. Let us explain further. Suffering, Death, And Eternal LifeArticle by James McTavish, FMVD Read an article written by James McTavish, a Verbum Dei missionary priest assigned in Quezon City. Having trouble reading the article? You can download the PDF version below. ![]()
True WorshipOriginally posted in Facebook by Fr. Michael Cheong, FMVD Trinity Sunday is a call to remember the identity of the God whom Jesus Christ has revealed: Father, Son and Holy Spirit - a Triune God, a God that is One and yet three, a God that is united in their diversity, a God who is not solitary but community, a God of love and relationship who created man and woman in that same image and likeness of love.
Formation of a Catholic PhysicianArticle by James McTavish, FMVD Read an article written by James McTavish, a Verbum Dei missionary priest assigned in Quezon City. Having trouble reading the article? You can download the PDF version below. ![]()
Holy Spirit, Help me Love God more - Reflections on the Word of God (June 4, 2017)"Holy Spirit, Help me Love God More!"Originally posted in Facebook by Fr. Michael Cheong, FMVD Today we celebrate Pentecost, the 50th day that concludes Easter season. Throughout this season, we have been pondering on the events of the life of Jesus in the light of the resurrection experiences of his first disciples. We began our reflections with the appearance of Jesus to his disciples behind locked doors, and we conclude this Sunday with the same passage where Jesus greets them with peace. "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you."
August 2021
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