Reflections of Faith
Read and be inspired by a reflection based on today's Gospel made by members of the Verbum Dei Family in Manila.
Daily Guidelines: July 31, 2019July 31, 2019 – Wednesday
Gospel: Matthew 13:44–46 “How would you describe heaven to an innocent child?” – Fr. John Leydon, Columban Missionary Though we may not fully understand what could heaven be like, somewhere deep in our minds we try to paint our own view of it. But is this “heaven” worth it? Heaven, as described by Jesus in today’s Gospel, is something that is of great value that one would forgo everything else he has in order to achieve it. These “everything else” could be the worldly things that compromise our faith and hinders us to live a life desirable to the eyes of God. Let us reflect on things that could be hindering us from living our faith. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: July 30, 2019July 30, 2019 – Tuesday
Gospel: Matthew 13:36–43 A call to vigilance and righteousness. The sense of righteousness in our society at present is becoming critical. With the wicked trying to wittingly mislead righteousness out of things that are unjust, the innocent are being easily deceived into standing blindly to what is obviously wrong. These wicked people are the weeds sown by the evil in the society. And like weeds sown among the good seeds they try to deceive the faithful by distorting the truth. In today’s Gospel, Jesus is calling us to be vigilant with things that we believe in and take courage to stand to what is truly right. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: July 29, 2019July 29, 2019 – Monday
Gospel: John 11:19–27 “I am the resurrection and the life.” (cf. Jn 11:25) We may not be certain with the extent of our lives, but today Jesus assured us to eternal life with His love that is stronger than death. It is in believing in Jesus that we would live forever for He is the source of eternal life. He is the manifestation of the Heavenly Father’s life-giving love for us – his beloved children. Let us ask Mother Mary to teach us to truly believe in Jesus – the Christ who conquered death and the source of eternal life. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: July 28, 2019July 28, 2019 Sunday
Gospel: Lk 11:1-13 “Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” God has given us our needs as we journey in this life, including the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we are only seeing our worldly needs but not the spiritual needs and always asking material things. In our journey, our love tank might be depleted, afraid to face challenges in life, confused, etc. God is a very good provider that is why He sends the Holy Spirit. Ask for love, courage, wisdom, understanding etc. And we will be able to see life in a more positive perspective. We thank you Lord for the love you are showing to us and providing everything we need on this journey #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: July 27, 2019July 27, 2019 Saturday
Gospel: Mt 13:24-30 “The wheat and the weeds” God has sown wheat seeds but the weeds also appear with the wheat. God doesn’t want to pull the weeds because it may uproot the wheat. That is how God loves us. He doesn’t want to harm us but let us grow and the roots of our faith to be strong and firm Holy spirit, may you guide us as we grow and be deeply rooted in the love of God so that we may obtain the kingdom of God #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: July 26, 2019July 26, 2018 Friday
Gospel: Mt 13:18-23 “The rich soil” The one who understands the word and may yield a hundredfold of fruit. We all want to be the rich soil who understands the word of God. We can become a rich soil when we do a constant dialogue with God, by asking the gift of wisdom and understanding from the Holy Spirit, by being in a community of followers of Christ and many more. Holy Spirit, guide us always so that we may be always the rich soil every time we receive the word of God so that we will bear fruit. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: July 25, 2019July 25, 2019 Thursday
Gospel: Mt 20:20-28 “To serve and to give life” God is continuously working to serve and to give life. Through the words that we have preached, through the love that we have shown, through the lives that we have given. God wants us to be the channel of the life He is giving so that the world today will be full of life. We become the channel when we do the same, serving and giving our lives to others. Mother Mary you who became the channel of Jesus to be born in this world giving life, may you teach us the attitude so that the life Jesus has given will be given to the world. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: July 24, 2019July 24, 2019 Wednesday
Gospel: Mt 13:1-9 “What kind of soil is my life now?” How do we respond to the word of God? When God has sown the seeds, how do we receive it? Are we like the path that completely lost the seeds? Or the rocky grounds that will wither the seed? Or the thorny ground that chokes up the seed? Or the rich soil that will produce fruit a hundredfold? As we identify ourselves, let us strive and ask the Holy spirit for guidance and produce fruit by a hundredfold from seeds sown by God. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: July 23, 2019July 23, 2019 Tuesday
Gospel: Mt 12:46-50 “For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother” Jesus blessed us, the doers of the will of the father, to be a part of His perfect family. Jesus is inviting all of the people to become part of His family by doing the will of the Father. Jesus’ family is open to everyone, will always be there for you and loves you so much! Holy spirit, teach us and guide us in following the will of the Father so that we may truly be united as one in your divine family. #PrayVD
Daily Guidelines: July 22, 2019July 22, 2019 Monday
Gospel: Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 “I have seen the Lord” Emotional beatings, heartbreaks, frustrations, failed attempts, etc. We have experienced these things and died many times but we rise up again every after death. Blessed are we who have seen and trusted the Lord as we face our life challenges. As we celebrate the feast of Mary Magdalene may we be like her to go to other people and say “I have seen the Lord” and announce them the glory of God. Mary Magdalene, guide us as we testify to the world the glory of our God #PrayVD |
August 2021
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