Reflections of Faith
Read and be inspired by a reflection based on today's Gospel made by members of the Verbum Dei Family in Manila.
True WorshipOriginally posted in Facebook by Fr. Michael Cheong, FMVD Trinity Sunday is a call to remember the identity of the God whom Jesus Christ has revealed: Father, Son and Holy Spirit - a Triune God, a God that is One and yet three, a God that is united in their diversity, a God who is not solitary but community, a God of love and relationship who created man and woman in that same image and likeness of love. "For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son, so that anyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life." The Gospel today expresses the heart of the Holy Trinity, a God who does not hate this world, but loves it, a God who does not come to condemn but to save and to give us a full life in Him that will never end. Man realizes his dignity when he learns to relate to the Holy Trinity and to relate like them, in love and humility. As a saint once said, "humility is like the Queen who conquers the heart of the king of heaven." Humility begets humility. Prayer is the meeting of two humble hearts, God's and ours. The doorway to the relationship with God is humility. It is humility that unites God in One and humility that makes His love so merciful, kind and patient with us. God's humble love is the most subtle and yet the surest force that changes the world, because it has the power to change human hearts. It is so hard for us to be humble! That is why Christ came to share to us the humble love of the Trinity. God is the first who humbles Himself before us, kneeling before humanity and washing our feet in Christ and in the Eucharist, to hopefully win our hearts some day to be humble like him. Humility is the first virtue we learn as we enter this world, and yet the first we forget as we live in it. As we approach the table of the Lord each Sunday, let us see that Christ is humbling himself once again, in the bread we receive... let us receive the gesture of humility of our Triune God, who could come to us in any way He wanted, but chose the path of humility. Fr. Michael Cheong is a Singaporean missionary priest of the Verbum Dei Missionary Fraternity. His current assignment is in Rome, Italy.
August 2021
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