Reflections of Faith
Read and be inspired by a reflection based on today's Gospel made by members of the Verbum Dei Family in Manila.
Daily Guidelines: December 4, 2019December 4, 2019 – Wednesday
Gospel: Matthew: 15:29-37 “My heart is moved with pity for the crowd.....” He has compassion for the people who have been following Him and had nothing to eat . According to the disciples, the solution must come from outside: “Where to find bread to feed so many people?” According to Jesus, the solution must come from inside the people through His help: ”with 5 loaves of bread and fish, Jesus satisfies the hunger of all, and there are even some left over. If today people would share what they have, there would be no hunger in the world. Many things would be left over! Truly, another world is possible! Do I have the same compassion that Jesus has for me and the rest of mankind? Do I lead the lost and the least back to Jesus that they may be comforted? May we be made more compassionate and giving, more generious of whatever we have, big or small, little or plenty. #PrayVD |
August 2021
CategoriesAll Daily Guidelines Reflections On The Word Of God School Of The Word Thoughts From A Disciple |