Reflections of Faith
Read and be inspired by a reflection based on today's Gospel made by members of the Verbum Dei Family in Manila.
Daily Guidelines: July 19, 2020July 19, 2020 – Sunday
Gospel: Matthew 13: 24-43 The Good Seeds in Us The task of separating the good from evil is reserved to God who sets things right in His own time. In the meantime, patience, tolerance and avoidance of social labels must prevail. In today’s Gospel, the owner of the field believes in the potential of his sown good seeds and he has shown patience and tolerance in waiting for it to bear good fruits for him in spite of the presence of the weeds. The Lord reveals Himself as the owner of the field who believes and hopes in the goodness in all of us patiently waiting for us to change for the better. Let us also ask Mother Mary to help us hope and see the goodness in all the people that we encounter. #PrayVD |
August 2021
CategoriesAll Daily Guidelines Reflections On The Word Of God School Of The Word Thoughts From A Disciple |