Reflections of Faith
Read and be inspired by a reflection based on today's Gospel made by members of the Verbum Dei Family in Manila.
Daily Guidelines: June 8, 2020June 8, 2020 Monday
Matt 5:1-12 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted Seems like these days there is no relief in sight to our troubles, whether it is in our personal situation or the larger reality. We mourn for what we have lost. Maybe we have lost a loved one, a job, a sense of security, a way of life. Jesus tells us today that we who mourn will be comforted by God. Scripture gives us the image of God hovering over the waters of the earth before creating life, as if to say that He will bring order in the chaos. But more importantly, the image of hovering over us like a protective and loving presence brings us comfort. No matter what our sadness or fear – God is here, and He reaches into our hearts to bring us healing and hope. Let us allow Him to comfort us in these days of trouble. #PrayVD |
August 2021
CategoriesAll Daily Guidelines Reflections On The Word Of God School Of The Word Thoughts From A Disciple |