Reflections of Faith
Read and be inspired by a reflection based on today's Gospel made by members of the Verbum Dei Family in Manila.
Daily Guidelines: November 8, 2020November 8, 2020 Sunday
Matt 25:1-13 Five of them were foolish, five of them were wise. The five foolish maidens who failed to bring oil for their lamps were unprepared when the bridegroom arrived. What could have been the reason? It could have been laziness, procrastination, or complacency. It could be they thought their fellow maidens would bail them out of the situation. All of these are reasons why we ourselves may miss out on welcoming the coming of the Kingdom! We ourselves may become lazy or complacent. Let us keep watch always for none of us know the day or the hour when Christ comes again for us. #PrayVD |
August 2021
CategoriesAll Daily Guidelines Reflections On The Word Of God School Of The Word Thoughts From A Disciple |